Sisal baler twine is a necessity for any cattle farmer.
It is recommended to use biodegradable, digestive sisal baler twine to keep the hay sound in wind and weather & eliminate cattle deaths.
Price of course is a factor until you count your losses when using plastic twine.
Removing plastic twine from the round bale is time consuming. Leaving it in the feed when grazing causes tangling around cattle’s head, legs and hooves. Ingestion of plastic twine causes digestive problems which may lead to death.
A recent visit to a sheep farmer tells the story - non-biodegradable polypropylene twine lying all over the farm-land and roads is a lethal tool for sheep thieves.

Thatched roofs are an icon of South Africa and Africa’s outdoor lifestyle. Surviving in the harsh conditions is no easy task, yet according to the Thatching Association of South Africa (TASA), the life expectancy of a professionally thatched roof is between 20 to 30 years.
Tarred sisal twine has truly stood the test of time and is worthy of its position as the only recommended product by SABS and SATA.
SABS Thatching Guide: The SABS standard for thatched roof construction (SANS 10407:2006), clearly states under the binding section 4.2.3 relevant to thatching twines: “The material used should be tar-treated sisal twine.” The sisal twine is impregnated at a high temperature, ensuring maximum penetration and prolonging the lifespan of the twine and its resistance to rotting and attack by insects.
Tarred sisal twine is the preferred and specified product for a number of reasons: Its tensile strength of 60kg secures the straw during installation and helps it survive in outdoor environments. Tarred sisal twine has a maximum elongation of 2%, ensuring the tension applied by the thatcher during installation will be maintained throughout the life of the roof. The sisal twine is impregnated at a high temperature, ensuring maximum penetration and prolonging the lifespan of the twine and its resistance to rotting and attack by insects.
NOTE: If the product packaging does not say it is tarred sisal twine, it is not the real thing. Products such as Jute (labelled as ‘tarred twine’) and polypropylene (labelled as ‘thatch twine’) are not suitable for the application, neither supported by the Thatching Association of South Africa nor the SABS. Both jute and the polypropylene twines’ breaking strength is approximately 20kg, a third of the breaking strength of tarred sisal twine and hence do not offer the long-term lifespan expected of a thatched roof.
The Rebtex Brand is manufactured in Seshego, Polokwane.
For information please call:
Marius on 081 483 9774 or

Traditionally, sisal has been the leading material for agricultural twine because of its strength, durability, ability to stretch, affinity for certain dyestuffs, and resistance weather conditions. Sisal agricultural twine is 100% biodegradable.

Traditionally, sisal rope has been the leading material used for Boating and Marine, due to its resistance to deterioration. A rope that is highly durable and has excellent resistance to salt water and all-weather conditions.
ENVIRONMENTALALLY FRIENDLY - 100% biodegradable, organic, untreated fibers. No oils, chemicals, or artificial agents added during the manufacturing process.
INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH - Compared to other natural ropes such as Manila, all-purpose sisal rope is stiffer and harder wearing.
Sisal Rope is the preferred natural fiber for many projects, indoor and outdoor.